Code of conduct

The Gladiolus School of Arms is a diverse and inclusive association and training environment for any person who participates in our activities and our community. We support every individual’s dignity, well-being and personal goals. All of our members value difference and diversity, and we are committed to providing a learning environment that is respectful. Bullying, harassment and discrimitation are neither acceptable nor tolerated at the Gladiolus School of Arms.

To promote safe training, we require all members to adhere to the following rules: 

  1. Be welcoming and respectful to everyone who trains with us. Make an effort to engage with newcomers.
  2. Control your weapon at all times.
  3. Ask questions and seek help if you are uncertain.
  4. Answer questions and offer support if you are able.
  5. Keep the training space and equipment in good order. Put away the equipment after a session, and keep it clean.
  6. Understand that everyone learns at their own pace and everyone has individual strengths. Do not rush your partner or yourself into anything they or you are not ready for.
  7. During training sessions, help your training partners with their training to the best of your ability: give feedback constructively, and do your part of the exercises meticulously and with care.
  8. During training sessions, strike only at areas protected by protective equipment, unless the exercise specifically requires light contact on other areas of the body. (The class leaders will never call for strikes or cuts on unprotected areas.)
  9. Bring up any and all concerns with the class leader or the executive committee of the association.
  10. Class leaders:
    – Be on time to open the doors to the training space. 
    – Make appropriate preparation for the class. 
    – Be clean and maintain your equipment well. 
    – Harassment, bullying and discrimination are forbidden; address instances either immediately or directly after class, as appropriate, and escalate to the executive committee if necessary. 
    – Address student concerns professionally, compassionately and with integrity. 
    – If you are uncertain or feel overwhelmed, seek help and support. 

If you have any concerns or wish to report an incident, reach out to us using the contact form